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Inclusive Practice SIG Workshop: "Inclusive assessment makes me want to weep"

Join RAISE's Inclusive Practice SIG for a special virtual workshop on Wednesday 3 August 2022 between 11.00-12.30pm (GMT).

For many years, there has been a consistently increasing level of national agreement that inclusive practices in assessment are a positive development in higher education. At the same time, we must acknowledge that we are very far from anything resembling a fully inclusive HE culture. Changes have been hard won, the trend is positive, but the journey is long.

For the first time in a while however, a recent Office for Students (OfS) report followed by the outcomes of the latest Quality Standards consultation together with Government instructions to OfS regarding quality standards inspections, introduces some significant and alarming ‘kick-backs’ to this progress which amount to an attack on inclusive assessment practices which could significantly undermine some of the progress made. Furthermore, they lend credence to those who believe that “technical proficiency” in spelling, grammar and punctuation, equates to a competence standard or a quality marker.

The implications of these decisions and rulings appear to have been largely unnoticed and/or ignored by sector leaders.

This workshop will introduce the issues and examine the thinking behind the rationales used by both the OfS and Government in making their recommendations. It seeks to cut through some of the emotive language regarding spelling, grammar and punctuation (SPaG) and its relation to quality standards. It will provide an opportunity to examine the relevance and importance of SPaG in the modern world and consider how the sector might respond to these recommendations.

All are welcome and no registration is required. You can join the session via this Zoom link:


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