Early Career Researchers
The Early Career Researcher (ECR)* SIG aims to raise awareness of new development within student engagement, supporting those in the beginning stages of their career in student engagement research and or in academia. The group seeks to meet the needs of not only those pursuing studies and or careers as researchers within HE but also those who are practitioners undertaking student engagement research to support their development.
The SIG focusses on providing opportunities for ECRs to develop their knowledge and skills, broadening their network to enhance collaboration within the HE sector. ​The SIG hosts a monthly online 1-hour meeting in which a variety of issues are discussed (and sometimes workshopped), and online writing retreats.
The convenors invite early career researchers with a keen interest in student engagement to join us. Members do not need to be experienced in student engagement matters, nor do they need to be proficient researchers. We welcome Masters students, PhD candidates and post-doctoral researchers.

Dr. Kiu Sum
Solent University
Email: kiu.sum@solent.ac.uk

Kiu Sum is a Lecturer in Nutrition in the Department of Sport and Health. Aside from nutrition, Kiu is a pedagogy researcher focussing on student engagement and partnerships, assessments, and feedback.
She is also a registered Nutritionist with the Association for Nutrition and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Kiu has a keen interest in Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, thus also serves on ALD in HE’s Steering group.
Liz Staples
Plymouth Marjon University

Liz is completing a Master of Research degree focusing on inclusive education and preparing to start a PhD exploring meaningful student engagement in HE at Plymouth Marjon University.​​​
Her lived experience of navigating HE as a first generation, neurodivergent woman, from a low SES background, underpins her motivation to see transformative student engagement which comes from effective inclusive practice.
​​​​​​*Please see the terms of reference for more information on the Early Career Researchers SIG.