AI in Higher Education
The AI in HE SIG aims to explore how AI technologies could shape practices in HE to improve student engagement.​ The SIG focusses on improving teaching quality, from design through to implementation and evaluation, to enhance student engagement. Events hosted by the SIG encompass matters relating to AI literacy, different software to support teaching and materials, and ethical use of AI in HE.
​The SIG hosts a range of seminars and workshops relating to different aspects of HE in which AI could be used, from co-designing module syllabi, lesson plans and seminar activities with modules leads, to assessments, marking, and feedback. Events also consider technologies which could assist staff and students with neurodiversity and different proficiencies in developing a variety of skills.
The SIG is aimed at academic staff, non-academic staff, and students with an interest in AI and student engagement. ​


Dr. Tadhg Blommerde
Northumbria University
Tadhg presently holds dual roles; he is an Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer) at Northumbria University and an MSc dissertation supervisor at Oxford Brookes University.
He is proficient in quantitative and qualitative social science techniques and methods, and regarded as a Gen AI pioneer. He has published and spoken at numerous events and conferences on Gen AI.

Dr. Amarpreet Kaur
University of Birmingham
Amarpreet is a Lecturer in Health Technologies and Governance. She is also the Student Experience and Employability lead for the Health Services Management Centre, and is passionate about EDI and widening participation in higher education.
She is fascinated by the scope of AI technologies for education, how technologies can impact student engagement, and how AI technologies can assist in supporting teaching and learning.
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