We are delighted to open the call for self-nominations to join the RAISE Committee as Chair, Treasurer, Communications Officer, Student Officer or Student Committee Member (x2). The elections will take place during our annual conference in Lincoln, 7-8 September 2022.
The RAISE Committee is responsible for the management and oversight of all RAISE activities including the annual conference, Special Interest Groups, reading groups and collaborating with other sector organisations to advance student engagement.
The Committee normally meets at least three times per year. Successful applicants will be expected to attend the next 3 committee meetings (dates TBC but will likely take place during November, January, April and July) as well as our annual conference in Lincoln on 7-8th September 2022.
Meetings may be held in person or by electronic means (including MS Teams or email), but at least two meetings a year will be held in person (pandemics allowing!) and one may be held at the same time as the AGM during the annual conference. RAISE will cover the travel expenses and conference fee for student committee members.
Applicants should be aware that the RAISE Committee and positions operate on a voluntary basis and successful applicants will be expected to commit approximately 100 hours a year.
The RAISE Committee would benefit from a diversity of backgrounds, both in person and in profession. We particularly welcome nominations from those from Black, Asian and other ethnic minority backgrounds as they are currently under-represented on the committee.