We invite initial expressions of interest in the form of a 1000-word extended abstract for our Special Issue of the Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal
The concepts and practices behind student engagement have evolved considerably since the conception of the RAISE community in 2010. Student voice has become central to both institutional and educational developers’ agendas, driven initially by the imperatives emerging from NSS in the noughties and later reinforced by TEF in 2017 and since.
Yet so much has changed since the early part of this century, with routine staff and student turnover, but also with the existential challenges for HE during, and beyond, COVID-19 and lockdown.
This special issue is concerned with the impact of this evolution: how might we usefully reconsider our perspectives on engaging with the student voice today to support our endeavours in ensuring dynamic and effective learner/tutor relationships? This special issue also aims to offer a refreshed conceptualisation and sharing of new practices associated with contemporary student engagement. It brings together an overview of ideas and practical contributions for an international community as well as their implications for practice, policy and research.
We invite initial expressions of interest in the form of a 1000-word extended abstract based on any of the following:
· theoretical perspectives and concepts
· practice-based case studies
· toolkits or other resources and guidance
Please use the following structure: Background/overview and rationale; approach adopted; and findings/outcomes including any evaluations.
Selected authors will then be asked to submit final contributions in the form of:
· a 6000 to 8000 word research article (incl. references)
· or 3000 word case study (including references)
· or 2000 word student voice (references not essential)
· or 2000 word opinion piece (references not essential)
· or resource which contribute to a refreshed imagining of student engagement.
Editors would also be happy to consider other formats that authors might feel to be appropriate.
We would particularly welcome submissions which include a contribution from students. This could take the form, amongst other things, of co-authorship, extracts from student evaluation comments/interviews, or independent reflections on experiences of students etc. Student ‘viewpoint’ vignettes could be published separately or embedded in the main submission.
If you are new or fairly new to writing for publication you may opt for the Developmental Route, where editors will allocate you a mentor if they consider the submission suitable for SEHEJ. Your mentor will support you to redraft the piece and prepare for formal submission.
Guest editors
Prof Megan Bruce (Durham University) megan.bruce@durham.ac.uk
Jackie Cawkwell (previously University of Nottingham and Loughborough University) jacalyncawkwell@btinternet.com
Conor Naughton (Nottingham Trent University) conor.naughton@ntu.ac.uk
John Parkin (Anglia Ruskin University) john.parkin@aru.ac.uk
Please submit your 1000-word extended abstract via the SEHEJ website by Friday 27th September https://sehej.raise-network.com/raise
· Friday 27th September 2024: Deadline to submit your expression of interest via the SEHEJ website:https://sehej.raise-network.com/raise
· end of November 2024: Editors’ response
· Friday 25th April 2025: Full submission by authors
· end of July 2025: Final review and editing
· end of September 2025: Publication
Also note, if you are more experienced with academic writing and publishing, you might like to contribute to this Special Edition, and SEHEJ more generally, as a reviewer. Please get in touch with Megan Bruce or Jackie Cawkwell if you are interested (contact details above).