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RAISE Reading Group: May 2022

You are warmly welcome to join our next RAISE reading group on 3 May 2022, at the usual time of 4pm (UK time).

You don’t need any qualifications or knowledge to attend, just an interest in the scholarship of student engagement. Each month we have a mixture of people who come regularly and those who are popping in for the first time, so don’t worry if you haven’t attended before.

At the last Reading Group, participants were interested in considering the report published in February 2022 by the UPP Foundation Student Futures Commission, which claims to provide 'a blueprint for how universities and students can work together to develop Student Futures Manifestos, which set out concrete actions to improve students’ experience of university'. Here is the link to the New Student Futures Manifestos report.

It's free to join, but it helps us if you register using this link.

We look forward to seeing you there!


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