Are you interested in joining the leadership committee for the largest global network for Student Engagement?
2 roles are re-open for self-nomination:
Ordinary Committee Member
Student Committee Member
Submit your application by 5pm (GMT) on Sunday 16th October. The RAISE Committee is responsible for the management and oversight of all RAISE activities including the annual conference, Special Interest Groups, reading groups and collaborating with other sector organisations to advance student engagement.
The Committee normally meets at least four times per year. Successful applicants will be expected to attend the next four committee meetings (Mon 31st Oct 2-4.30 online; January 26-27th in person residential; March 20th 9-11.30 online; July TBC) as well as our annual conference in Leeds 6-7th September 2023.
Meetings may be held in person or by electronic means (including MS Teams or e-mail), but at least two meetings a year will be held in person (pandemics allowing!) and one may be held at the same time as the AGM during the annual conference. RAISE will cover the travel expenses and conference fee for student committee members.
Applicants should be aware that the RAISE Committee and positions operate on a voluntary basis and successful applicants will be expected to commit approximately 100 hours a year.
The RAISE Committee would benefit from a diversity of backgrounds, both in person and in profession. We particularly welcome nominations from those from Black, Asian and other ethnic minority backgrounds as they are currently under-represented on the committee.
How to nominate yourself for this opportunity
Complete the nomination form online ( which involves an expression of interest (500 words maximum) outlining:
Your interest in Student Engagement
Why you would like to join the RAISE committee
Why you would like to nominate yourself for the role
Any relevant experience
Deadline for submitting your nomination is 5pm Sunday 16th October 2022.
Positions available for elections
Ordinary Committee Member - 1 year term (co-opted)
Key tasks:
Contribute to the Committee by advising on matters that arise
Assist the Officers in the execution of their responsibilities
Student Committee Member - 1 year term
Key tasks:
Contribute to the Committee by advising and assisting the Committee members in the execution of their responsibilities
Support the Student Officer for student-specific engagement strategies, events and initiatives run by the RAISE network
Facilitate student events at the RAISE conference and other events throughout the year
Eligibility to self-nominate
The above vacancies are open to any member of the RAISE network who is currently a staff member, associated practitioner or student in the Higher Education Sector, national and international, who is working and/or interested in researching and promoting student engagement. Anyone who is signed up to the RAISE Jiscmail is considered a member of RAISE.
Election process and key information
If candidates meet the above criteria and wish to submit a self-nomination, they must complete and submit the online nomination form by 5pm on Sunday 16th October.
These positions have been reopened for nomination and the successful applicants will be co-opted into the role by the RAISE committee for the 2022-23 academic year. The candidate statements will be presented to the RAISE committee who will submit their vote using the ‘Choice Voting’ software to ensure voting is secure and anonymous.
The above roles will be reopened for nomination at the next election, which will be held during our annual conference 6th-7th September 2023.
Schedule of co-option process
w/c 27 September: Reopened nominations posted online and shared with membership
Sunday 16th October: Deadline for nominations (5pm)
w/c 17th October: Committee vote anonymously
w/c 24th October: Candidates notified of outcome; announcement of successful candidates on RAISE website; online induction with the Chair of RAISE
w/c 31st October: RAISE Committee meeting (online)
Contact us
If you have any further questions, please email