Title: Encouraging Commuter Students to Engage
When: Wednesday 31st January 2024
Time: 16:00-17:30
Where: online via MS Teams
Free Registration: Please use this link to register. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
Join us at this Special Interest Group to consider how universities can better provide opportunities for commuter students to engage in a range of activities outside their formal studies – to the benefit of both students and their universities.
The event has attracted 11 speakers (over half of whom are students) who will speak to research and practice. You will hear about the experiences of commuter students and be introduced to some initiatives to maximise their engagement. There will also be the opportunity to discuss pertinent issues with like-minded university staff and students.
Data indicates that around one-in-four students live at home and commute to university, although that figure is much higher for some universities. Research (e.g. Thomas, 2017) has indicated that these ‘commuter students’ are less likely to engage in university life than their peers. This can be due to personal preferences and perceptions that feel less connected to their universities. It may also reflect institutional engagement processes that favour campus-based students and neglect the needs of commuter students.
Many of these assume that commuter students prefer to travel into university for study alone. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that these students often want to maximise their time in university for a range of activities. Hence, while they might be reluctant or unable to travel in for specific activities, this does not mean that they are disinterested.
Please use the above link to register and feel free to disseminate around your networks.
Wendy & Phil
(Collaboration between Liverpool John Moores University and University of Chester)
To find out more about the Partnership SIG – please visit https://www.raise-network.com/partnership